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C.C. Image.png
Birthday '
From '
Height 5'6" (168 cm)
Weight '
Lelouch vi Britannia

Debut 8chanmania LXXXVI
with Lelouch Lamperouge

Champions Managed

C.C. is a major character from Code Geass.

Bio[edit | edit source]

C.C. is the mysterious, semi-mute waifu of the show's main protagonist, the royal prince-turned-rebel Lelouch Lamperouge. Having first met in a car accident that got C.C. shot in the head, she used what little seconds she had before succumbing to traumatic brain injury by activating Lelouch's eponymous Geass - that is, his personal magical bullshit ability that makes most people do what Lelouch wants them to do.

Lelouch is understandably startled when he later runs into C.C. being very much alive. A lot of plot later, it becomes apparent C.C. actually is an immortal witch that was relentlessly experimented upon by Lelouch's native Holy Britannian Empire for her ability to pull the entire Geass trick on other people. This (and certain other incentives) means she chooses Lelouch as her personal champion against the Bri'ish.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

C.C. appeared in the 2000s-themed 8chanmania LXXXVI, where she served as the manager of Lelouch Lamperouge. Disaster struck when the first opponent they ran into was no-one less than Spider-Man; complete with some boxes of freshly-baked pizza on him. Those who watched the show will understand.