CDI Hitler

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CDI Hitler
CDI Hitler Image.png
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Debut Match
CDI Hitler Pin
Wizard Hitler
8chanmania LXXXVIII
First Victory
CDI Hitler Pin
Wizard Hitler
8chanmania LXXXVIII
First Championship


— CDI Hitler

CDI Hitler is the German version of King Harkinian from Link: The Faces of Evil.

Bio[edit | edit source]

While not native to Hyrule, CDI Hitler somehow managed to become Der Führer of the country, and now rules it with from his underground bunker beneath Castle Hyrule Proper. Aiding him in his quest against the vile forces of Ganon in general and the downright Jewish practices of a certain shopkeeper in particular is Link, whom he affectionately refers to as "Mein Junge".

Of course, aforementioned quest never goes anywhere because CDI Hitler's desire for racial purity also includes spatial purity. Which is a nicer way to say he is a clinical cleaning bug. As such, Link spends most of his time scrubbing the bunker's many floors, while a furious "WISCH! WISCH! WISCH!" can be heard echoing from CDI Hitler's personal chambers.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

CDI Hitler fought in the Hitler-themed 8chanmania LXXXVIII. Having just acquired Link as his manager after King Harkinian threw him out for not wearing any pants (CDI Hitler thankfully had a spare set of Lederhosen on him), he resisted the Zauber of Wizard Hitler, but got drawn out of existence by the many paintbrushes of Daisan Teikoku.

Trivia[edit | edit source]