Captain Padraig

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Captain Padraig
Captain Padraig Image.png
Birthday '
From 'Mor Ardain'
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match
Captain Padraig Pin
8chanmania LXXI
First Victory
Captain Padraig Pin
First Championship


Captain Padraig is a real human being from Xenoblade Chronicles 2.

Bio[edit | edit source]

In your classical JRPG, the rank-and-file thugs of the evil Empire opposing the heroes usually has little personality to speak of. He's just another cog in the machine, and can be thrice-damned grateful if he is given so much as proper name; let alone a good voice actor. Even then, he is little more than a glorified obstacle, and most the thought given to him is how to kill him with an under-leveled party in a speedrun.

Captain Padraig is a rare exception to this rule. Although his habit of never removing his helmet technically makes him yet another faceless mook, Padraig truthfully is an Everyman in the most positive sense of the term - proud to serve his country, but also perfectly content with a demotion if that means no longer having to deal with the high animals. As far as he's concerned, life is good, and emeralds are green.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Captain Padraig, under orders of Dughall, fought in 8chanmania LXXI. His win against Scuttlebug left the arachnid so catastrophically butthurt that it actively told the audience not to nominate it again - which they obviously did. Padraig himself, however, got clowned by a Gadabout in the following best-of-sixteen.