Caspar von Bergliez

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Caspar von Bergliez
Caspar von Bergliez Image.png
Birthday '
From Adrestian Empire
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match
Caspar von Bergliez Chaired
vyse Inglebard
8chanmania LXXXIII
First Victory

First Championship

Caspar von Bergliez is a playable character from Fire Emblem: Three Houses.

Bio[edit | edit source]

The second-born son of Count Leopold von Bergliez, Caspar's was much beloved by his parents - and therefore shipped off to the officer's academy of Garreg Mach as soon as possible. He and the rest of the Adrestian blue-blood brats form the Black Eagles - one of the three student bodies (or 'Houses') attending the school, each of which comes from one the three surrounding (and occasionally warring) countries.

Despite of his icily blue eyes, Caspar is known to be a hothead with a strong sense of justice. Which might just be the only thing strong in him, since Caspar comes loaded with below average base stats and especially an atrocious speed stat. One might keep him around for story reasons, but if you don't play Fire Emblem with your excel sheet right next to you, you might as well not bother.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Caspar fought in 8chanmania LXXXIII. True to his role in the game, he immediately got kicked out by Vyse Inglebard.