Chirico Cuvie

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Chirico Cuvie
Chirico Cuvie Image.png
Birthday '
From Gilgamesh Confederation
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match
Chirico Cuvie
8chanmania VIII
First Victory

First Championship


Chirico Cuvie is the protagonist of the Armored Trooper Votoms anime series.

Bio[edit | edit source]

A former member of the Gilgamesh Confederation's elite Red Shoulder Battalion, Cuvie distinguished himself as a pilot of the Vertical One-Man Tank for Offense & Maneuvers ('VOTOM') mechas. His exact origin is a bit of a mystery - Chirico himself has no recollections of his own life before his tenth birthday, his seemingly supernatural self-healing abilities have drawn the attention of various powers that be.

When the Gilgamesh Confederation and the rival nation of Balarant seek to end their century-long war, Cuvie is drawn into a false-flag operation on a Gilgamesh research station and seemingly left for dead. A very much alive Chirico subsequently is declared traitor by the Gilgamesh Confederation, and now seeks to uncover the actual purpose behind the raid that turned him into a wanted person.

It goes beyond saying that a pretty, mysterious woman is key stone to the entire mess.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Chirico Cuvie debuted in 8chanmania VIII, and nothing beyond him not winning a belt there is known.