Commander Gore

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Commander Gore
Commander Gore Image.png
Birthday '
From '
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match
Commander Gore W
8chanmania LXX
First Victory

First Championship


Commander Gore is a major character from Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey.

Bio[edit | edit source]

When a mysterious gate to another world sprung open near the South Pole, the United Nations actually decided to be competent for once and created the Schwarzwelt Investigational Team - a crack team of soldiers and scientists from all over the globe. Led by the decorated war veteran Commander Gore, they seek to enter the Schwarzwelt in order to gauge the potential threat posed by it.

Long story short - things at the South Pole go south, as the entire Schwarzwelt is crawling with demons. Gore himself is critically wounded by one and later succumbs to his injuries; only for his body to mysteriously disappear. To the immense confusion of everyone involved, he (or at least something wearing his skin) later shows up as the mascot of the neutral, pro-humanity ending.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Commander Gore fought in 8chanmania LXX. Being a hardened military man, he found little difficulty in forcing V-Dural to tap out, but taking on the combat cyborg apparently was so taxing that he ended up tapping out himself against the WWEW Soldier.