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Deadpool Image.png
Merc with a Mouth
Birthday '
From '
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match
Deadpool W
VB Longneck Guy
8chanmania XCII
First Victory
Deadpool W
VB Longneck Guy
8chanmania XCII
First Championship


Deadpool is a comic anti-hero from the ranks of Marvel.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Deadpool first and foremost can be described as a walking comic relief. Functionally immortal due to his rapid "healing factor" and entirely aware that he is a comic character, the Mercenary with a Mouth spends his time arguing with his own internal monologue, getting maimed in all sorts of bizarre fashions, and doing things to a fourth wall that makes the suffering of a dog at a furry convention look harmless. While chiefly relying on the fact that he will not die, Deadpool is highly athletic and can make ample use of his trademark dual katanas.

As Deadpool is the epitome of an unreliable narrator (and batshit insane anyway), his exact background is never fully established, and even his alleged real name Wade Winston Wilson supposedly belongs to someone he has killed. Deadpool's face beneath the mask typically looks as if he tried to french-kiss a stove plate, and this being Deadpool, that might be exactly what happened.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Deadpool debuted in 8chanmania XCII. He defeated some obscure /ausneet/ shitpost nomination, showed the Jackie Chan Tulpa that he's all about "trabbu", took no pity from Mr. T despite evidently being a fool, and ultimately got his shit kicked in by the furious nature deity La Madremonte.