Dr. Doom

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Dr. Doom
Dr. Doom Image.png
Iron Man
Birthday '
From Latveria
Height 6'7" (201 cm)
Weight 415 lbs. (188.24 kg)

Debut Match
Dr. Doom W
Lich King
8chanmania XI
First Victory
Dr. Doom W
Lich King
8chanmania XI
First Championship


"Fool! Doctor Doom does as he pleases!"
— Dr. Doom, before tooting the horn

Victor von Doom - better known as Dr. Doom - is a major antagonist from the Marvel universe, especially starring in The Fantastic Four.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Born in a Romani camp within the Eastern European country of Latveria, Dr. Doom's desire to rule quickly manifested itself when he killed the country's governing monarch, installed himself as its autocratic ruler, and promptly renamed the nation's capital city into Doomstadt. Seeing a pattern here?

Dr. Doom could be a brilliant man if he wouldn't have immense mommy issues and wasn't vain to the point of absolute stupidity. No, seriously - his entire reason for having a hateboner for the Fantastic Four is that Mr. Fantastic may or may not be smarter than him. He didn't primarily craft his trademark armor for protection or other pragmatic issues, but mostly to conceal a scar which blemishes his face. And needless to say, his perpetual butthurt over not being the best can only be alleviated via total world domination.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Dr. Doom only appeared in 8chanmania XI. He won a match full of barely-masked control issues against the Lich King, but then got dunked on by Thor Odinson.