Epic Fail Guy

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Epic Fail Guy
Epic Fail Guy Image.png
Birthday '
From '
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match
Epil Fail Guy
Punished /v/
8chanmania LXXXVI
First Victory

First Championship


Epic Fail Guy is an ancient meme from 4chan.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Epic Fail Guy is a guy who fails. A lot. And at everything: From relatively mundane tasks (i.e. getting dubs), to tasks he shouldn't even be able to fail at without breaking the laws of nature and conventional logic. On a meta level, failure being his singular function means Epic Fail Guy still enjoys his own success in failure - even if it requires him to break mathematics by trying to prove that one and one equals two.

It should be noted that there are rare occasions where the Epic Fail Guy does not, in fact, fail. The very implications of this are of great concern to both philosophers and physicists, as him being one of the few true axioms means all lesser axioms and theorems attached to him are on equally shaky ground. Notably, it fueled speculations that we indeed live in a simulation. And not even a well-programmed one.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Epic Fail Guy appeared in a story segment for 8chanmania LXXXVI. There, he had been called in as his tag team partner by /b/oratio in an attempt to prevent Punished /v/ from returning him to his true form. The plan itself was simple: Epic Fail Guy would try to win the match, lose, and therefore win the match by virtue of being meant to lose.

And that is exactly what happened. However, even the reality-altering power of negation could not prevent /v/ from reminding a former /b/rotha that there still was a pool to close.