Erde Kaiser Sigma

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Erde Kaiser Sigma
Erde Kaiser Sigma Image.png
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Debut Match
Erde Kaiser Sigma Pin
8chanmania LXXVII
First Victory
Erde Kaiser Sigma Pin
8chanmania LXXVII
First Championship


Erde Kaiser Sigma is an enemy and potential summon spell from Xenosaga Episode III: Also sprach Zarathustra.

Bio[edit | edit source]

During the events of Xenosaga Episode I, a brilliant scientist known under the moniker of The Professor designed and built the first Erde Kaiser mecha - a giant robot designed around the concepts of "love, courage, friendship, justice, and everything else...,". Since the professor understood that all of these concepts sprang from superior firepower, the Erde Kaiser was equipped accordingly.

As Erde Kaiser later underwent serialization, a jealous rival only known as the Dark Professor came to build his own variant - the 'Erde Kaiser Sigma. The latter was even stronger than the original Erde Kaiser line and its upgraded forms, but also possessed a personality module that gave it speech, reason, and an attitude. To this end, this Kaiser had to be defeated before becoming available as a summon.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Erde Kaiser Sigma fought in 8chanmania LXXVII. Under the careful guidance of the Dark Professor (and his monkey assistant, Coconut) it defeated the combined might of Turbozord, but then collapsed after eating a KO at the hands of KO-Dorf.