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Fleshpound Image.png
Birthday '
From United Kingdom
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match
8chanmania XV
First Victory

First Championship


Fleshpound is a monster from the Killing Floor series.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Like his fellow 'specimens', Fleshpound is the result of the British government trying to breed a race of super-soldiers. This worked out in the sense that the state-sponsored Horzine Corporation really produced hordes of creatures highly efficient at killing other people. Unfortunately, certain affairs involving the CEO's dead son and an ancient Nazi scientist meant these creeps didn't overly care who aforementioned people were, leading to London undergoing its very own zombie apocalypse.

Fleshpound himself is a wonderfully cheerful critter, and makes enthusiastic use of the massive, spike-mounted mallets that crown both of his arms. He gets even more sanguine when entering an enraged state; blindly charging towards the survivors while no longer even bothering to try and dodge incoming projectiles - or other specimen, for that matter.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Fleshpound only appeared in 8chanmania XV, and nothing beyond him not winning a belt has survived.