Frank West

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Frank West
Frank West Image.png
Birthday '
From '
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match
Frank West Pin
8chanmania XI
First Victory

First Championship


"I've covered wars, you know"
— Frank West

Frank West is the main character from Dead Rising.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Frank West used to be an influential freelance photojournalists who covered his fair share of world events and wars, but eventually found himself at a dead end. He attempted to revitalize his career by investigating the strange events in the small American town of Willamette, but quickly came to understand that his career wasn't the only thing being revitalized there and thus took on a side job as a semi-professional zombie hunter.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

West debuted in 8chanmania XI and lost to Mario in the prelims.

He gave it another go for 8chanmania LXVII, but Rottytops wrestled him into submission right in the preliminaries.

Franks third appearance in 8chanmania LXXXVI ran significantly better; with him defeating the Numa Numa Guy, local Vespa girl Haruko Haruhara and, to much rejoicing of everyone involved, the Crazy Frog. The photo shooting abruptly ended when he ran into Rolf.

As a cameraman[edit | edit source]

Following Lakitu throwing a fit and quitting his job as the cameraman for the mania after 8chanmania XLIX, Frank took on the job and has held it ever since. The occasional fuckups of FPWW's camera system after yet another mod has been slapped onto it are customarily explained as Frank being drunk.