Game Guy

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Game Guy
Game Guy Image.png
Birthday '
From '
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Weight '

Debut Match
Game Guy L
Reiko Nagase
8chanmania LXXVII
First Victory

First Championship


Game Guy is an NPC from Mario Party 3

Bio[edit | edit source]

Game Guy is an unusually extroverted and chipper version of your regular Shy Guy, who serves as both the showmaster and your opponent in one of his four gambling games. The games in themselves are relatively conventional - there's one about betting which of two Chains Chomps eats a cake faster, a glorified shell game, one based on dice-rolls, and obviously your good old round of roulette. So far, so mundane.

The actual thrill from these games comes from going all-in with your coins not only being allowed, but mandatory. Meaning you are as likely to multiply your current hoard as your are to loose all of it within an instant. Unless your are part of the socially well-adjusted Mario Party community, and already did a few calculations to bankrupt him, every casino in Vegas, and the World Bank for good measure.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

The Game Guy appeared in 8chanmania LXXVII, where he squared of against Reiko Nagase. As expected, he talked the racer into betting that he could beat her. A slightly confused Reiko agreed and promptly opened a can of kick on his ass, but Game Guy's very precise wording meant Reiko had unwittingly bet she would lose - and Game Guy won.

He was last seen racing off with Reiko's cars keys, and Reiko's sister Kei Nagase racing after him.