Geese Howard

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Geese Howard
Geese Howard Image.png
Birthday January 21st, 1953
From South Town, USA
Height 6'0" (183 cm)
Weight 181 lbs. (82 kg)

Debut Match
Geese Howard W
Daisuke Kuze
8chanmania LXXII
First Victory
Geese Howard W
Daisuke Kuze
8chanmania LXXII
First Championship


— Geese Howard

Geese Howard is a recurring antagonist from the SNK setting; appearing in Fatal Fury, Art of Fighting and King of Fighters.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Geese is an intensely ambitious man who thinks that might makes right and thus craves power in all of its many forms - be it through money or sheer immortality. Very much the mobster type, he effectively runs South Town by means of the Howard Connection - a group that pretends to be a protection agency while mostly existing to deter people from looking at his ties to organized crime.

Owing to the convoluted mess that is SNK, Geese is not a goose, but Schrödinger's cat. As per Fatal Fury, he is dead. As per King of Fighters, he is very much alive. Even continuity where he is supposed to have been killed, Geese just keeps coming back in the form of nightmares or as a wraith resurrected by some magical Chinese scrolls. Given Terry Bogard wants to kill him in order to avenge his father's murder, this understandably is a huge pain.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Geese fought in 8chanmania LXXI. He easily tore through the eternal jobber Daisaku Kuze, but was bested by Phantom R in the following round.