George Lincoln Rockwell

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George Lincoln Rockwell
George Lincoln Rockwell Image.png
Birthday March 9th, 1918
From Illinois, United States of America
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match
George Lincoln Rockwell L
George Washington
8chanmania XXXIV
First Victory

First Championship


George Lincoln Rockwell was the founder of the American Nazi Party.

Bio[edit | edit source]

A veteran of both the Pacific War and the subsequent Korean war, Rockwell managed to survive both events by virtue of being a pencil pusher and never firing so much as a single shot. As with many other American servicemen, Rockwell was plagued with the nagging thought that he had been fighting the wrong war. Partially because Hitler obviously did nothing wrong, and partially because the entire beast of communism was mostly spawned by the Jews.

By March 1959, Rockwell had founded the World Union of Free Enterprise National Socialists, which would later become the American Nazi Party. He proved to be a surprisingly progressive voice that was on good terms with Malcom X and his Nation of Islam; if mostly because he strongly agreed with their idea of giving all those pesky Negroes a free ticket back to Africa. In truth, he didn't really hate Black people - if mostly because he was far too busy hating communists in general and the Jews in particular.

Rockwell's dreams of a racially pure America were cut short after a former party member took the socialist part in National Socialism a bit too serious and gunned him down in front of a laundromat. The American Nazi Party subsequently was lead by his deputy Matt Koehl, who in turn took the group down the rabbit hole of Kali Yuga esoteric Hitlerism on advice of his wannabe Indo-Aryan waifu, Savitri Devi.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

George Lincoln Rockwell fought in the inter-board war of 8chanmania XXXIV, where he represented /pol/. He fittingly fought /liberty/'s George Washington, who through Rockwell through the verbal grinder before making sure he would be the only George still found on the Dollar Bill.