Glitch Boss

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Glitch Boss
Glitch Boss Image.png
Birthday '
From '
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match
Glitch Boss L
Generic Fighter
8chanmania LI
First Victory
Glitch Boss
TF2 Scout
Spontaneous Bootay
8chanmania LXV
First Championship


The Glitch Boss (also known as The Glitch) is an optional boss form Epic Battle Fantasy 4.

Bio[edit | edit source]

As its name suggests, the Glitch Boss is a computer glitch that somehow gained a physical form. Freed from the confines of bits and bytes, it took control over the numerous robots within the Waste Disposal Plant and used them (as well as other security systems) to force out the human workers. Its abstract nature makes the Glitch Boss a deadly foe; being able to kill characters with a single hit while being immune to nearly all forms of damage itself.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Season 2[edit | edit source]

The Glitch Boss debuted in 8chanmania LI, where it was quickly thrown out of the ring by the Generic Fighter.

The scenario repeated in 8chanmania LXIV, and the Glitch was kicked out of the preliminaries by Yusei Fudo.

It and Baba formed a tag team for 8chanmania LXV. The world warpers enjoyed relative success - not only weeding out TF2 Scout and Spontaneous Bootay (and turning Bootay into a female version of Scout in the process), but also proving resilient against Critfiend and Raidou Kuzunoha XIV. Even the social black holes in the form of George Constanza and Tomoko did not affect them. Only the combined mass of Big Mahu and American Bear was enough to stop whatever scheme the strange entities may have had set up.

Season 3[edit | edit source]

Left on his own again, the Glitch Boss participated in 8chanmania LXXVII and did what he always did when he was kicked out of the preliminaries by Masahiro 'Spooky' Sakurai. This event also marked another episode of Scuttlebug being a complete failure, as he served as the manager of the Glitch.

For 8chanmania LXXXVII, Glitch boss found an unlikely ally in a Special Snowflake. The two defeated an equally odd pair of fighters in the form of Spider-Man and Ankha, but then lost to the 80s Noise Marine and the Goff Rokka in the Best of Sixteen.