Goblin Slayer

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Goblin Slayer
Goblin Slayer Image.png
Goblin Slayer
Birthday Unknown (Age:20)
From Goblin Slayer
Height '
Weight '
Manager HoiHoi

Debut Match
Goblin Slayer L
8chanmania XXXIV
First Victory

First Championship


"The only good goblins are the ones who never come out of their stinking holes."
— Goblin Slayer

Bio[edit | edit source]

Goblin Slayer is a Goblin Slayer from Goblin Slayer. He is obsessed with killing as many goblins as he can. He is a silver ranked adventurer, yet only takes on quests that involve killing goblins. He is not above killing even baby goblins, as they too will grow up and reproduce, making more goblins. Did we mention he dislikes goblins?

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Goblin Slayer supposedly debuted at some point in the first season of 8chanmania; possibly in 8chanmania XXIII. In the latter, he promptly lost his first fight against Minsc.

His first recorded appearance was in 8chanmania XXXIV, where he was the representative of /a/ and had HoiHoi as his manager. They went up against Fidget, but Goblin Slayer is only suited for fighting goblins after all, and he unfortunately was not successful.

His last recorded appearance was in a pre-show match prior to 8chanmania XXVIII, where he fought and won a pre-show match against Guts.