Gonk Droid

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Gonk Droid
Gonk Droid Image.png
Birthday '
From '
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Debut Match
Evolver Pin
LEGO Gonk Droid
8chanmania LXXX
First Victory

First Championship


— Gonk Droid

The humble Gonk Droid is a recurring NPC from the LEGO Star Wars games.

Bio[edit | edit source]

The GNK Power Droid, better known as the Gonk Droid, essentially are mobile powers generators whose rudimentary programming and stubby, little legs allowed them to (slowly) walk to the designation desired by their operator. Gonk Droids were convenient tools on backwater worlds that didn't have proper electric grids, or as part of mobile operations that had little use for stationary power supplies.

While Gonk Droids technically were present Star Wars since the very first movie, their limited abilities meant they suffered an existence as mere background objects until the first LEGO Star Wars games. There, their tendency to blindly waddle in and out of live gunfights lead to great amusement; to the point they became a running gag and staple to the series; as well as their own, masochistic speedrun category.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

A Gonk Droid fought in 8chanmania LXXX. Despite of easily being the fan favorite of the match, its fight against the combat robot-turned-toy-turned-combat robot Evolver went exactly as one would expect it to.