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Harvey Image.png
Birthday '
From Germany
Height '
Weight '
Edna Konrad

Debut 8chanmania XCVII
with Edna Konrad

Champions Managed

Harvey is a recurring character from the Edna & Harvey series.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Harvey can best be described as a composite character: On the one hand, physically exists as a mere plush rabbit; no more or less dangerous than any other plush toy. On the other hand, Harvey also exists as a talking, cheerfully sociopathic figment on the part of Edna Konrad|Edna Konrad's imagination, and as a lingering reminder of all the memories the psychotic girl's therapist tried to get out of her by means of repeated electric shocks.

As such, Harvey could easily be likened to Edna's version of the little demon that tends to nest in the back of your head. The main difference being that people generally try to ignore their intrusive thoughts, whereas Harvey serves as Edna's closest friend and confidant. You can kind of see where this going. But since this is an adventure game, randomly combining '[LIGHTER FLUID]' with various objects in your inventory actually tends to work at least half of the time.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Harvey served as the manager of Edna Konrad during 8chanmania XCVII. His frantic suggestion that they should use the Wrestle Gear to turn the moon into cheese and set it on fire to produce the world's grandest fondue was immediately shot down by Edna, as both of them had agreed they were going for Mars. One way or another, he cheered upon Edna as she went utterly psychotic on Rinon, yet the mind tricks of Ghost Widow did quite a number on both of them.