Hella Jeff

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Hella Jeff
Hella Jeff Image.png
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Sweet Bro

Debut 8chanmania LX
with Sweet Bro

Champions Managed

Hella Jeff is the bi-protagonist of Sweet Bro & Hella Jeff, which in turn is an in-universe webcomic from the webcomic Homestuck.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Hella Jeff and his pal Sweet Bro are two weapons-grade dudebros whose continued existence in the same household remains one of the world's largest mysteries. Whereas Sweet Bro sort of acts as the straight man of the duo, Hella Jeff's unassuming, brown-haired features belie a maddening voice from the ether; where there is no space, and where there is no time.

Hella Jeff and Sweet Bro are an in-universe creation of the Homestuck character Dave Strider. The latter, seeing the entire webcomic fad of the late 90s and early 2000s, decided that he was going to make his own webcomic, and that it would be totally rad. Ironically, Sweet Bro & Hella Jeff turned out to be infinitely better than Homestuck itself, and survived the settings universal retcon.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Hella Jeff served as the sage advisor of Sweet Bro during 8chanmania LX. Much as per usual, Sweet Bro did not heed his warnings and feel down metaphorical stairs in his match against the meta-warping Scuttlebug