Hol Horse
Hol Horse | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Hol Horse is a secondary antagonist from Stardust Crusaders, the third arc of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. He later became the main protagonist of the spin-off title Crazy Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak, as well as the light novel Crazy Heartbreakers.
Bio[edit | edit source]
Hol is what polite people might call a professional, and less polite people would probably call a gun-for-hire. The latter part has something proverbial to it, as Emperor - Hol's Stand - happens to be a fancy revolver, and happens to shoot bullets whose trajectory Hol can alter to the point they can pull of a literal U-Turn. The last part usually requires a bit of subterfuge, so Hol usually prefers working with a partner.
One has to understand that Hol is not an inherently bad person. He sort of killed Muhammad Avdol while also trying to kill the whole Joestar Group, sure. But this only came about after he realized he could not reasonably kill Dio, because Dio would kill him first. Less polite people might call him a coward, but more polite people would understand Hol is all about being pragmatic.
In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]
Hol Horse appeared in 8chanmania XCIII; having apparently been guided to the tournament by his buddy Boingo and the latter's future-telling manga book. He wasn't to impressed when his first opponent turned out to be some random cripple in a wheelchair, but quickly had to learn said cripple could wield the wheelchair as a blunt force instrument.