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Hotwheels Image.png
Birthday February 21st, 1994
From New York, United States of America
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match

First Victory

First Championship


Frederick Brennan, originally known as Hotwheels is an American software and computer font developer.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Hotwheels had the poor fortune of being borne with osteogenesis imperfecta (i.e. brittle bone disease), which meant he was condemned to life as a wheelchair-bound dwarf and still suffered at least 120 fractures by the ripe time he turned 19. Not exactly built for the rough-and-tumble of other children, a young Brennan instead spent most of his waking hours in front his computer - alternating between a) learning how to code and b) shitposting on 4chan.

Hotwheels briefly was administrator of the socially well-adjusted Wizardchan (which was a joke in itself, as everyone knows wizards only exist from ages thirty and up), but had to relinquish ownership after he managed to get laid. Then he did some magic mushrooms and, in a moment of insane genius, dreamed of an imageboard where users could freely create their own sub-boards. Hence the 2013 creation of 8chan.

While early 8chan was more of a pet project and had a relatively small userbase, the collective clusterfuck of the GamerGate Saga (and Moot taking a second job as a luggage boy) lead to a mass influx of Anons from 4chan. Hotwheels initially was overjoyed over his and website's newfound popularity, but between exploding server bills, stability issues, and 8chan being a perpetual shitstorm due to GamerGate and other issues, he decided he needed help.

Enter Jim Watkins, operator of 2channel. Watkins offered Brennan a deal with the devil - in the sense that he would host the downtime-prone site on his hardware, so long as Hotwheels agreed to join him on his pig farm in the Philippines. By 2014, Watkins had become legal owner of 8chan, and by 2016, an increasingly disillusioned Hotwheels left the side for good. This lead to 8chan Anons branding him as a traitor (complete with the desire to push him off a lengthy flight of stairs), but 8chan now being the fetid mess that is 8kun, he probably jumped off the train while he still could.

As if to cleanse his soul, a post-8chan Hotwheels became a devout Christian. And a furry. As some important author probably said, life comes up with stuff you could not possibly make up.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Somewhat understandably, Hotwheels never fought in the ring himself. He did, however, have a frequent referee role (complete with his Super Mario pyjamas) until his public fall from grace after he turned his back from 8chan.