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Debut Match
8chanmania VI
First Victory

First Championship


"Say my name!"
— Jagi

Jagi is a character from Fist of the North Star.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Following the death of his parents, Jagi was one of four similarly-fated boys alongside Toki, Raoh, and Kenshiro that were adopted by the martial arts master Ryuken. Being the runt of the litter, he could accept that both Toki and Raoh surpassed him in the Hokuto Shinken fighting style by virtue of being his older brothers, but despised the fact that the younger Kenshiro also bested him in this art.

Nursing his ego back to health required him to play dirty - by, for instance, supplanting his hand-to-hand skills with a sawed-off shotgun. His modus operandi did not help him when his first attempt to kill Kenshiro resulted in Jagi getting a unique facelift, and by the time they met again, Kenshiro ensured there wasn't enough face left to lift.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Jagi fought in 8chanmania VI, but nothing beyond him not winning a belt is known.