James Rolfe

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James Rolfe
James Rolfe Image.png
"The Angry Nintendo Nerd"
"The Angry Video Game Nerd"
Birthday July 10, 1980
From New Jersey
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match
Shinya Arino W
James Rolfe
8chanmania XII
First Victory
Shinya Arino W
James Rolfe
8chanmania XII
First Championship


James Rolfe, better known under his title as the Angry Video Game Nerd, is a game reviewer who specializes on lengthy rants about older games.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Originally known as the Angry Nintendo Nerd before the expanded his horizons, James' show has him playing assorted older video game titles and shitting all over them. Common motives of complaint are poor game design, unfair difficulty used to mask the games' then rather limited length, or the game being an all-but-literal turd on a plate that still got sold anyway because it had the name of a popular movie or other license slapped onto it.

Especially in the earlier episodes, Rolfe actually managed to include genuine and reasonable criticism within the expletive-ridden outbursts of his Nerd character. The longer the show went on, however, the more did its primary source of humor become overused, to the point that Rolfe would throw hissyfits over otherwise trivial details for the sole sake of throwing hissyfits. With his self-made movie being a trainwreck and the AVGN-game being glorified Twitch bait, the Angry Video Game Nerd typically is something fondly remembered, but not actively enjoyed.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

James Rolfe debuted in 8chanmania XII, where he immediately found himself facing his spiritual godfather Shinya Arino. Having managed to defeat him, he subsequently got the shit kicked out of him by Rin Tezuka.

He would also come to fight in 8chanmania XXVI, where he gave Kid Chameleon a good mouthful over various perceived flaws of his game, only to realize that the Kid is too cool to be beat.