Jesper Johanssen

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Jesper Johanssen
Jesper Johanssen Image.png
Birthday '
From Norway
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match
Jesper Johanssen L
Alasgan Bear
8chanmania LXXIV
First Victory

First Championship


Jesper Johanssen is the protagonist of the 2019 animated Christmas movie Klaus.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Heir to the Postmaster-General of Norway, Jesper's limited academic success and/or interest with his studies in the Postmaster Academy sees him forcibly relocated to the remote island town of Smeerensburg; where he has to deliver at least six-thousand letters within a year or risk being cut off from his generous family fortune.

Problem is, the sole inhabitants of Smeerensburg come from two inbred clans that utterly despise each other and hence have no need to send any mail. So Jesper sets out and eventually runs into the scary-but-good-hearted woodsman Klaus. As it so happens, Klaus sits on a veritable mountain of toys, and would happily part from them if only someone wrote him some letters. You figure out the rest.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Jesper Johanssen fought in the Christmas-themed 8chanmania LXXIV. Since he only ferried toys instead of burgers, Alasgan Bear promptly put the legdrop on him.