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Jockey Image.png
Birthday '
From United States of America
Height N/A
Weight N/A

Debut Match
Jockey L
Tekken Force Soldier
8chanmania LXXXIV
First Victory
Jockey W
8chanmania XC
First Championship


The Jockey is one of the special infected from the Left 4 Dead series.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Jockeys resemble small, crouched-over humanoids who are easily given away by their manic cackling. When they see human survivors, jockeys will waste no time to sneak up to and try to "ride" them - which, practically speaking, means them clinging on to the back and head of their victim while the latter frantically tries to shake them off.

Jockeys are not as much as a direct threat as more physically imposing infected like the Charger or the Hunter, but their ability to control the direction into which their flailing victim is stumbling means Jockeys excel at goading survivors away from their group and right into assorted hazards - be it Spitter acid, zombie hordes, or the nearest ledge with a steep fall beneath it. The fact that they audibly take great joy in this task makes it (and them) none the easier to bear.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

The Jockey debuted in the mook-themed 8chanmania LXXXIV, but quickly was thrown off and pinned by a Tekken Force Soldier.

It reappeared in 8chanmania LXXXV, only to once again be kicked out of the preliminaries - this time by the Mount Your Friends Guy.

It's hearty head-humping resumed in 8chanmania XC. Although the Jockey earned its first victor against Spider-Man, it later saw defeat at the armored hands of Martellus.