John Sena
John Sena | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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John Sena is not John Cena.
Bio[edit | edit source]
John Sena is John Sena. He is not to be confused with Sena Kashiwazaki from the light novel-turned-manga-turned-anime show Haganai, and most certainly isn't John Cena with a wig that makes him look like Sena.
While his looks and his technical know-how made him an instant favorite with the fans (particularly the female ones, which he affectionately calls 'doormats'), his sheer ego means few other wrestlers can stand him. He therefore joined the aftershow club of Roman Reigns in order to find wrestlers actually willing to become his friend.
In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]
John Sena fought in the board war of 8chanmania LXII, where he represented /sena/ (which, for the record, was totally not created just to nominate John Sena). He faced of against a fellow wrestler in the form of Kris Benoit, but didn't make it past the first round after Kris smacked him with the power of LOVE.