Kane (C&C)

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Kane (C&C)
Kane (C&C) Image.png
Birthday Unknown
From Unknown
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match
8chanmania III
First Victory

First Championship


"Peace through power!"
— Kane

Kane is a key character from the Command & Conquer series.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Preciously little is known about the exact origins of Kane. There is evidence he served as a strategic advisor to Joseph Stalin; only to disappear from the face of the Earth. His 1995 return was heralded by two events - the impact of a meteorite that would introduce the volatile Tiberium to planet Earth, and the public reveal of the Brotherhood of Nod - a global military organization under his direct command.

A highly intelligent and charismatic man, Kane states he seeks to 'uplift' humanity by using the power of Tiberium - a claim his opponents from the Global Defense Initiative find hard to believe; considering exposure to the substance has lethal effects on organic life. How he held on to his own despite of multiple apparent deaths is yet another mystery he shares with no-one.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Kane participated in 8chanmania III. Beyond not taking the belt, all other information has been lost.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Despite of his iconic appearance, Joseph Kucan - the actor portraying Kane - got the role more or less by accident. His original job at Westwood was that of a lead casting and voice director, but during a technical test regarding the game's ability to compress FMV sequences, Kucan so thoroughly nailed a generic evil dialogue that he was immediately cast as Kane.