Kirei Kotomine

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Kirei Kotomine
Kirei Kotomine Image.png
Birthday December 28th, 1967
From '
Height 6'07" (185 cm)
Weight 121 lbs. (55 kg)
Manager 180.78 (82 kg)

Debut Match
Kirei Kotomine KO
Agent 47
8chanmania XXXVI
First Victory
Kirei Kotomine KO
Agent 47
8chanmania XXXVI
First Championship


Kirei Kotomine is a recurring character from the Fate series.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Kotomine is a priest of The Church, which in turn is a slightly fantastical expy of the Catholic Church in general, and the Spanish Inquisition in particular. His severe daddy issues mean Kirei is physically unable to feel happiness as normal people would - despite of him having tried to very hard. He eventually moved on to the next-best thing, which only happened to be the concentrated suffering of other people.

While his role in The Church (and the latter's long bucket list of heretics) meant Kotomine was initially free to live out this fetish, he eventually discovered he had fancy magic powers. This saw him smuggled off to the Mage's Association, which in turn had been waging a secret war against his former employer since at least yesterday.

Kirei eloquently side-stepped the moral dilemma of choosing sides by becoming the Overseer - a neutral party which made sure that aforementioned secret war remained secret. Of course, Kirei still being a textbook sadist and no-one having bothered to do even basic psychological testing on him meant he was very liberal in interpreting his duties.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Kirei Kotomine fought in 8chanmania XXXVI. The murderous priest out-assassinated Agent 47 via K.O, and somehow managed to pull of the same stunt with Miror B.. Even he, alas, could not so much as touch Madara Uchiha.