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Krizalid Image.png
Birthday October 23rd
From Ireland
Height 6'2" (188cm)
Weight 138 lbs. (83 kg)
Manager Kula Diamond

Debut Match
Krizalid Pin
8chanmania XCIII
First Victory
Krizalid Pin
8chanmania XCIII
First Championship


Krizalid is a playable fighter from The King of Fighters; originally appearing as a mid and endboss in The King of Fighters '99.

Bio[edit | edit source]

NESTS, which serves as KoF's mandatory evil crime syndicate, always had a lively interest in cloning Kyo Kusanagi - KoF's primary goody-two-shoes. Mostly because Kyo can fart fire. But while they did manage to snatch a copy of his DNA and created thousands of clones of him, only one of them - K' - managed to come close. And would you believe it, K' promptly turned goody-two-shoes as well.

Since using Kyo's DNA only seemed to cause problems, NESTS instead gave it another go by injecting the DNA of K' into some other bloke. The result was Krizalid, who could both fart fire and remained loyal to NESTS. Except him being a 'diluted' copy meant he had to wear an elaborate purple gimp suit to actually control said fire. And got hit by a rock. And got resurrected. And got shot in the face for good measure.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Krizalid, under managership of Kula Diamond, appeared to have turned his back on NESTS during 8chanmania XCIII. Seriously, the employee retention of that group is atrocious. He defeated Infinite with relative ease, but got whacked to death by Duran's hairdo in the following round.