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Lavenza Image.png
Twin Wardens
Birthday N/A
From The Velvet Room
Height 3'7 (110cm)
Weight '

Debut Match
Lavenza Pin
Yusei Fudo
8chanmania LVII
First Victory

First Championship


Lavenza is a side character from Persona 5.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Lavenza is a creation and servant of Igor from the Velvet Room, and serves as the attendant (read: correctional officer) of the protagonist. She has a bit of a split personality due to certain, rather traumatic events in her past. When she manages to keep her things together, she's a relatively polite and mature person, but suffers from a rather short temper. Lavenza's main role is to fuse personas collected by her charge, resulting in stronger personas which can subsequently be employed by the player.

As an attendant, she's as much of a punishment as she is meant to be a help for the protagonist. But this being Persona, it's obviously also possible to make her fall in love with him.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Lavenza's only direct involvement in the mania was during 8chanmania LVII, where she fought and lost against Yusei Fudo. She subsequently became part of his fangirl retinue (later completed by Rosalina), and would commentate on Fudo's subsequent matches in the mania.

Following the grand finals, she, Rosalina and Fudo went on to play childrens' card games, and lived happily ever thereafter.