Lilla Pascalle

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Lilla Pascalle
Lilla Pascalle Image.png
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Rion Steiner

Debut 8chanmania LXXXIX
with Rion Steiner

Champions Managed

Lilla Pascalle is a major character from the survival horror game Galerians.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Suppose you inadvertently created an artificial intelligence that wants to replace humanity with a new race of man with bullshit psycho powers so it can play god. Thankfully, you and your colleague developed a computer virus which can kill off the glorified toaster. So, do you spread it far and wide in the hopes one copy of the code reaches AI? Or do you staple it to the brain of your daughter?

Welcome to the wonderful nightmare world of Lilla Pascalle, where a malevolent computer god has a vested interest in murdering you, people have the odd tendency to undergo spontaneous combustion, and your only chance of survival is the telepathic link to your childhood sweetheart, Rion. Which you only developed after both of you had their skulls cut open so they could turn you into USB drives.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Lilla accompanied Rion Steiner as his manager during 8chanmania LXXXIX. She warned him that Sinistar indeed looked very sinister, but after Rion powered through him, the two still go their aspects sorted out by Raidou Kuzunoha XIV.