Liquid Snake

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Liquid Snake
Liquid Snake Image.png

Liquid Snake is a major character from the Metal Gear series.

Bio[edit | edit source]

When the shadowy cabal known as The Patriots realized their prize soldier Big Boss might go AWOL on them, they decided produce a bunch of clones of him. One these clones, dubbed Liquid Snake escaped his handlers while on a field trip to Africa and, being a seven-year-old on the Black Continent, promptly began a career as a child soldier. His inherited skills meant he soon formed his own little gang, and Venom Snake's attempt to adopt him failed horribly.

He would eventually join the British SAS, and from there entered the same American FOXHOUND unit his older brother had previously served in. Problem is, Liquid Snake held a massive inferiority complex over the idea that he received Big Boss's recessive (and therefore 'inferior') genes while Solid Snake got all the good ones, so it only was a matter of time before the two siblings had a bit of a quarrel and Liquid Snake succumbed to a bad case of the flu.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Having employed a clever disguise as Solid Snake, Liquid Snake fought in a four-way free-for-all between him, Teagan Almace, Mr. Cobra and John Smith after Teagan belted in 8chanmania XCVII. He was thrown out of the ring mere moments after Smith was, and as he dropped his disguise, a severely butthurt Liquid Snake berated Teagan over accepting her new operative name ("White Snake") from Colonel Campbell.