Lost Soul

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Lost Soul
Lost Soul Image.png
Birthday Unknown
From Hell
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match

8chanmania:Season 1
First Victory

First Championship


The Lost Soul is a recurring enemy from the Doom series.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Lost Souls resemble horned, human skulls that are perpetually on fire while they float through the air. When they notice a suitable target (i.e. Doomguy), they will immediately set themselves on a collision course with and charge towards their designated victim. They pose less of a direct threat than most other demons, but having been designed with the singular goal of being a major pain in the ass, a Lost Soul will waste no time to bite you straight in the latter while you are occupied with the other denizens of Hell.

Frequently encountered in packs to ensure the cacophony of angry, screaming skulls will never cease pleasuring your ears, Lost Souls can become even more entertaining playmates when they are being mass-produced by a Pain Elemental. The latter has no direct means of attacking you, but can pop out scores of these little bastards at a rate that would put most developing nations to shame. The only flicker of solace in this is that the game is hard-coded to let no more Lost Souls spawn if there are 21 or more Lost Souls on the map, which is is not something we can say about aforementioned developing countries.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Season 1[edit | edit source]

The Lost Soul (likely) debuted in 8chanmania VI, but nothing beyond its participation is known.

It and a Beheaded Kamikaze formed a team for pre-show match prior to 8chanmania XXV, where they fought and won against an Arch-Vile and a Revenant.

Season 3[edit | edit source]

The Lost Soul resumed being an obnoxious cunt in 8chanmania LXXXIV. Or would have tried to, at least, had it not been sent right back to hell by a FROG Soldier.

It teamed up with a Beheaded Kamikaze during 8chanmania LXXXVII. Their joint screaming was brought to a fast halt by 80s Noise Marine and the Goff Rocka. Some shenanigans by the latter later, the Lost Soul was fused with the Kamikaze to create the Lost Kamikaze.