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Lusamine Image.png
Birthday '
From Aether Paradise, Alola Region
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match
Lusamine Pin
8chanmania XCI
First Victory

First Championship


Lusamine is major character from Pokémon Sun and Moon (as well as the later Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon).

Bio[edit | edit source]

Lusamine serves as the president of the Aether Foundation - an influential organization that seeks to treat and shelter injured Pokémon in the Alola region. Impeccably dressed and striving for a laudable goal, her face can often be found on magazines all over the islands. But as with so many public figures in life, the pristine outwards image she built for herself hides a pretty ugly secret.

Long story short, Lusamine is a bit of a sociopath. And a bit of a narcissist. Not that you can blame her for her husband disappearing, but her kids running away from home should have been a good hint. More importantly, Lusamina also is an avid collector of mega-Pokémon. Namely in neat, not-so-little cryo-tanks under her mansion. Honestly, she's nuts. And that's before she gets vored by an alien jellyfish.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Lusamian fought in the Mother's Day-themed 8chanmania XCI. She started the preliminaries with a fight against a Kangaskhan, but seeing that the latter was affected by Pokérus drew her hoarding tendencies into high gear and kicked her into a frenzy. This (and the fact that Kangaskhan actually was Lu Bu in a suit) resulted in her beign easily defeated.