Matthew Stevens
Matthew Stevens | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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"The Inspiration" | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Matthew Stevens is a character from Elite Beat Agents.
Bio[edit | edit source]
A dedicated husband and father, Matthew lived a seemingly perfect life with his wife Laura and his daughter Lucy until he met an untimely end during a business trip. The story might have ended there and then, had little Lucy not entirely refused to believe that her father wouldn't return eventually - he had promised, after all.
Depending on the player's actions (and let's be honest, nobody without so much as a flicker of a soul wouldn't keep trying until earning the good ending), Matthew gets his chance to pay his family a last visit, bringing with him the teddy bear he had promised Lucy for Christmas. Manly tears ensue.
In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]
8chanmania LXXXIV[edit | edit source]
Matthew Stevens debuted in 8chanmania LXXIV. He bested Aru and gained her support by offering to buy her a gift for Christmas, won against Santa Claus (although the latter may have let him win this fight on purpose), defied Sub-Zero and unmasked The Cheetahmen who were undercover as the Three Wise Men. He eventually met Snowager in the finals and defeated the Neopet; stealing the snake's teddy bear as a gift for his daughter in what generally was agreed to be the most wholesome Christmasmania that ever came to be.
With Bane having tried to take over the match mid-mania, CIA later showed up to request his aid in defeating and capturing the masked man. Stevens happily obliged, and one after-show match later, a badly bruised Bane was loaded into CIA's plane.
8chanmania XCIX[edit | edit source]
Matthew's wish had earned him a place in the grand finals of 8chanmania XCIX, and if White Mage intentionally letting him win did not wake anyone's hopes, his subsequent victory against the bulky Mr. X certainly did. Alas, fate could be a cruel mistress, and even a father's love could do so little against a Gundam Rose that weighed in at 15.5 metric tonnes.
His spirit form crushed, Matthew went home to visit his family for one, last time.