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Meh'Lindi is a major character of the The Inquisition War book trilogy from Warhammer 40.000.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Meh'Lindi is a Callidus Assassin, who normally use their ability to reshape their own bodies so they can impersonate other humans, get close to the actual target, and make it a bit less alive. Meh'Lindi, however, was able to turn into a Genestealer alien. Which no-other of her kind could do, but which also required such extensive surgery that it became the only alternate form she could take. It made her a bit of a one-trick pony, which annoyed Meh'Lindi to no small end.

She eventually becomes part of the retinue of Inquisitor Jaq Draco, and they have many fun adventures together. Highlights of these adventures include (but are not limited to): Meh'Lindi getting proverbially mind-fucked by a many-tentacled warp entity, Meh'Lindi having sex with Draco as a means to cure the resulting trauma, Jaq obsessively lusting after Meh'Lindi, the author obsessively lusting after Meh'Lindi, and Meh'Lindi finally fulfilling her childhood dream of impersonating an Eldar.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Meh'Lindi accompanied Jaq Draco during his investigation of the ring in 8chanmania XCII. Ever the pragmatist, she immediately suggested to blow up everything from from orbit after witnessing the sheer amount of Slaaneshi corruption that had taken hold of the place. This was shot down by Jaq (who still hoped the report of Genestealer activity also was true), and then Jaq almost got shot down by the 80s Noise Marine and his merry band of cultists.

Meh'Lindi and Jaq only survived the encounter thanks to the timely arrival of Captain Indrick Boreale and his Blood Ravens Space Marines, but turning the whole mania into an active war zone soon drew the ire of Default-Chan. Her furious cosplay as a bedsheet ghost spooked both Imperial and Chaos forces so badly they returned to their ships and the warp, respectively. Except Jaq got so spooked, he decided that Meh'Lindi had been right all along. Cue the fireworks.