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Mephiles the Dark
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Debut Match
Mephiles Sub
8chanmania LXXII
First Victory
First Championship


Mephiles is a recurring antagonist from the Sonic the Hedgehog series.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Being a man of great ambition, the Duke of Soleanna dreamed of controlling the flow of time itself. Unfortunately, this required him to capture and repeatedly poke the solar deity Solaris, which got so annoyed that it split into two entities: Iblis, which represented its raw power, and Mephiles, which represented it being a supreme edgelord. This being Japan, it's a metaphor about nuclear bombs.

Since you can't exactly put a lock on a schizoid solar deity, Iblis had to be sealed away within the soul of the duke's daughter, Elise, whereas Mephiles ended up getting stuffed into the ominously-named Scepter of Darkness. At least until Dr. Robotnik broke it. Now Mephiles seeks to rejoin with Iblis, which is sort of bad because a re-born Solaris would promptly erase the entire timeline.

Spoiler Alert: He goddamn murders Sonic. Then Sonic gets better.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Mephiles debuted in the Bad Games Mania of 8chanmania LXXII. His attempt to play the grand villain failed in as much as that Lightning kicked him right out of the preliminaries, but not before the edge-hog could suggest Lighting's sister, Serah was being held hostage by the organizers.

He made another appearance in the following 8chanmania LXXIII, only to have Parin literally hammer his smug face in.

During 8chanmania XCIII, Mephiles served as the manager for the equally edgy Infinite. Which didn't prevent Infinite from getting his furry arse set on fire by Krizalid.