Movie Goomba

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Movie Goomba
Movie Goomba Image.png
Birthday '
From Dinohattan
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match
Movie Goomba W
8chanmania LXXXIV
First Victory
Movie Goomba W
8chanmania LXXXIV
First Championship


The Movie Goomba is the unique take on the conventional Super Mario Goomba featured in the breathtaking 1993 movie adaption of the series.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Within the parallel dimension the movie takes place in, humanity has evolved from reptiles, rather than mammalians. Using specific "de-evolution" weapons on them can, as the name implies, rapidly reverse this evolution process; turning the victim into anything ranging from a bona-fide dinosaur to a heap of primordial ooze. Putting slightly less juice into the de-evolution process results in Goombas instead - humanoid creatures whose otherwise bulky body is crowned by comically small reptilian head.

Their peculiar ratio between brain mass and body mass means that Goombas are about as dim-witted as they come, but this exact trait also makes them into unquestioning mooks for the police state errected under President Koopa. Their only other weakness is their great love for dance, which can make entire cohorts of these creatures stop whatever else they were doing as they fall into slow, rhythmic moves.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

One such movie Goomba debuted in the mook-themed 8chanmania LXXXIV. It is debatable whether the simple-minded fellow really knew what was going on or why it was here, but this did not prevent it from crushing a Neoshadow, ending the infiltration attempt on the part of the Mars People, defeating a FROG Soldier, and even leaving the otherwise foul-mouthed Obj_Motherfucker speechless. It ultimately lost its fight in the finals against Galsia, but later came to his aid in a post-show match between him, Bane, and Darth Vader.

During the shitpost-themed 8chanmania XCII, the Movie Gomba got slapped to death by the flippers of Mother Penguin.