Ms. Pac-Man

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Ms. Pac-Man
Ms. Pac-Man Image.png
Birthday January 13th, 1982
From United States of America
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match
Ms. Pac-Man L
8chanmania V
First Victory

First Championship


Ms. Pac-Man is the female equivalent of Pac-Man.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Ms. Pac-Man is the wife Pac-Man who proudly portrays her feminine side by wearing a red ribbon and lipstick. Any claims that she actually is a palette swap crossdresser by the name of "Crazy Otto" are unfounded rumors, and Midway would probably sue you into oblivion if it hadn't filed for bankruptcy in 2009.

To be fair, Ms. Pac-Man brought in a few changes compared to the arcade cabinet of her better half - mazes came in different colors, occasionally had three instead of the usual two warp tunnels, and two of the ghosts (namely Blinky and Pinky) notably feature semi-random movement as opposed to the fixed patterns of earlier games. As a cherry on top, the orange ghost (Clyde) underwent Rule 63 and hitherto was named 'Sue', foreshadowing certain things.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Ms. Pac-Man only fought in 8chanmania V. She didn't win a belt and made no further appearances.