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Mega Man X

Debut 8chanmania LXXXIII
with Mega Man X

Champions Managed

Nana is a support character from Mega Man X: Command Mission.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Nana is an inhabitant Giga City - a giant, city-sized mining rig in the middle of the Pacific. Meant to exploit exotic metals from the nearby impact site of a meteorite, it only took so long until Giga City's inhabitants realized the very same metals could enhance a Reploid's strength and intelligence to untold levels. They promptly called for independence, and stuffed collaborators like Nana into POW camps.

Since the powers that be didn't like to let go of their robot adderal, they sent out Mega Man Zero, Mega Man X, and a very trustworthy fellow named Shadow to Giga City in order to eliminate any local resistance. Nana, for her part, very much wanted to stay on the winning side; and hence became the invader's Navigator the second they saved her traitorous metal rear from prison.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Nana served as the manager of Zero during 8chanmania LXXXIII. Her turncoat nature came with a quick dose of karma, as X immediately got buzzed by Waspinator.