Nic Dizzle

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Nice Dizzle
Nice Dizzle Image.png
Birthday '
From United States of America
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match
Nic Dizzle L
8chanmania LXIV
First Victory

First Championship


Nic Dizzle is US-American speedrunner who runs Mario Golf games.

Bio[edit | edit source]

As a child grows and eventually matures into a young adult, life will confront it with a relatively simple choice: Do you want to use your undeniably present smarts to dabble in theoretical physics or data engineering and make a few fat numbers for yourself? Or do you want to spend hundreds of hours playing the same game so you can beat it half a second faster than that other special-needs kid?

Nic Dizzle proudly chose the second option. What makes him special is that he is utterly dedicated to Mario Golf and Mario Golf alone; creating an unstable mixture between the pathological obsession of the speedrunning scene and the religious devotion of the golf community. If there is a hole, he will put his balls into it - so god have mercy on you.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Nic Dizzle fought in 8chanmania LXIV. His match against Brauggi (and his insensitive comments about the rime giant only being able to talk in rhymes) ended in Dizzle no longer being able to feel his spleen.