Officer Beepsky

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Officer Beepsky
Officer Beepsky Image.png
Birthday '
From Space Station 13
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match
Officer Beepsky Sub
Reginald Brownpill
8chanmania XCIII
First Victory

First Championship


Officer Beepsky is a unique version of the common Securiton robots from Space Station 13.

Bio[edit | edit source]

As anyone who ever played the game will attest, Space Station 13 has a bit of a security problem. Not because of the traitors, aliens, wizards, or hells-know-what that come for a visit every other Thursday. But rather because the supposed would-be crew either is cheerfully idiotic and doesn't know what it's doing, or cheerfully sociopathic and knows exactly what it is doing. And then there's Clown.

While the poor SS13 Security Officer couldn't deal with this mess by himself even if he wanted to, he is aided by trusty Officer Beepsky - essentially a rabid roomba that will whack any criminals (or alleged criminals) it comes across with a stun baton before handcuffing them and escorting them to the security office. The journal in his private quarters (and Beepsky having private quarters in the first place) suggest there's more to him than just a battle-hardened version of the standard, player-built Securiton. But first and foremost, Beepsky is a rolling incarnation of law itself.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Officer Beepsky fought in 8chanmania XCIII. He tried to apprehend Reginald Brownpill for leaving organic waste everywhere; only for the latter to feed him the brownpill until Beepsky unceremoniously tapped out.