Party Baby

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Party Baby
Party Baby Image.png
Birthday '
From '
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match
Party Baby Pin
8chanmania LXXII
First Victory

First Championship


The Party Baby is a toddler from Imagine: Party Babies.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Thanks to its long-established public image as a 'family-friendly' console and the motion-based mechanics of its new controller, the Ninendo Wii got its fair share of so-called minigame collections - which is to say, glorified shovelware titles that mostly got sold because they successfully appealed towards a) casual gamers that don't know any better and/or b) a young audience with indirect access to the parental wallet.

Party Babies and the other games from the Imagine series are textbook examples of this business strategy; each title being designed for an audience of young girls with the usual interest in fashion, dancing, and the aforementioned toddlers. What makes Party Babies stand apart from the rest of the series is its 8.5 rating from IGN, leading to much mockery and the game itself ascending to a tongue-in-cheek meme status.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

The Party Baby fought in the 'Bad Games'-themed 8chanmania LXXII. Despite of its innocent appearance, the babies' seemingly infinite supply of toys and its uncanny ability to use them as projectiles quickly smothered any flicker of maternal instincts on the part of its opponent, Zara. That she grudgingly allowed the crying toddler to tag along after defeating it stands testament to babies being devious little things.