Proto Man

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Proto Man
Proto Man Image.png
"Break Man"
"Dab Bot"
Birthday N/A
From The City
Height N/A
Weight N/A

Debut Match

8chanmania III
First Victory

First Championship
Proto Man Pin
Mega Man
8chanmania XXXI

Bio[edit | edit source]

The first "Son" of Dr Thomas Light, Proto Man was created to defeat the robot army of Light's evil colleague-turned-foe Dr Wily. He managed to inspire a revolt amongst the oppressed people of the nameless city, only to find out that their will to fight against their evil overlord disappeared instantly when the actual fighting began and they found their own hides to be on the line. Abandoned by his would-be-allies, Proto Man still fought valiantly, but the sheer numerical superiority of his foes eventually saw his defeat and apparent death.

"Apparent" being the jumping point, for when his younger "brother" Mega Man finally sought to finish what Proto Man "had started", it turns out that not only has Proto Man seemingly survived his ordeal, but also is so bitter about his betrayal by those he swore to save that he joined forces with Dr Wily, becoming the leader of his army. Cue a tragic battle in which an increasingly desperate Mega Man has to shoot the one man whom he had set out to avenge.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Season 1[edit | edit source]

Proto Man debuted in 8chanmania III, but owing to missing records, there's no saying how far he made it into the tournament.

During 8chanmania XI, Proto Man teamed up with Jesus Christ, the Doomguy, and Ski Free Yeti in order to face Wampa. They win, with Yeti forcing Wampa to tap out.

For the tag-team 8chanmania XXXI, Proto Man was joined by his brother Mega Man. They de-frosted Demifiend and Jack Frost, before resisting the nuclear power of Mahatma Gandhi and Utsuho Reiuji. What happened next has been lost to history, but rest assured, the two brothers ended up winning the tournament and thus were forced to fight one another over the belt. After a long and tragic fight, it was Proto Man who took it.

In the Season 1 finals of 8chanmania XXXIII, Proto Man managed to disable Yellow Devil, but then got pinned by no-one less than Brendan Fraser in the second round.

8chanmania x MFW - IN/V/ASION[edit | edit source]

Proto Man would have very nearly emerged as the champion during 8chanmania x MFW - IN/V/ASION after he defeated Minotaur, Rance, Cirno, and even Clown, but he was eventually beaten into submission by Lala.

Season 2[edit | edit source]

During 8chanmania XXXVI, Proto Man fought against Big Boss and Godbert Manderville, but tapped out against Velvet Crowe in the quarter finals.

Proto Man made yet another appearance during 8chanmania LII. He sent the crazy Chihuahua Ren packing, but was stomped by Maria Renard one round later. Despite of this, he still felt obliged to serve as her guide.

8chanmania LXI proved to be a spectacular blunder for him - Proto Man faced a SHODAN-controlled SUPERHOT, and promptly was dismantled by the latter.

Season 3[edit | edit source]

He returned for 8chanmania LXIX. His fight against the team of Akira Howard and Sword Legion was a major test on his abilities, and it almost seemed as if the first son of Light was going to lose as his two opponents interrupted any pins he tried to land, but he pulled through - only to lose against TF2 Engineer one round later. For whatever it is worth, the Engineer apparently fixed Proto Man's unstable reactor; greatly extending his product life in a feat that neither Dr. Wily nor Dr. Light himself have managed to pull off.

Apparently having made fast friends with the Engineer, Proto Man teamed up with him for 8chanmania LXXVI. Together, the two defeated TF2 Medic, released his unwilling subject MO, and proved to be the heroes needed to stop the villainy of Black Shadow and Paxton Fettel. It is unfortunate that only heroism will only get you that far when faced with genocidal intent - the mechanoid and the mechanic ended up underneath the boots of Luca Blight and Ugandan Knuckles.

Proto Man's last known appearance was in 8chanmania XCVII. He dabbed Juan Aguacate right out of the ring, but got his most sensible circuits busted by Bobby Hill in the next round.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The Proto Man seen in 8chanmania is heavily if not fully based on his incarnation in the album "Act 1" by the rock band The Protomen. As such, his actual background from the Mega Man series itself has seen little mention so far.
  • In 8chanmania, the meme of him dabbing comes from one of the taunts he frequently does in the ring. A "Super Sentai" pose, apparently. Many viewers still consider it a dab, because it's funny.

Gallery[edit | edit source]