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Rance Image.png
The Rapist
Birthday N/A (aged 24)
From Ice, Free Cities
Height 173 cm
Weight 65 kg

Debut Match
Rance Rape
8chanmania XIII
First Victory
Rance Rape
8chanmania XIII
First Championship


— Rance, when spotting a damsel that is soon to be distressed

Rance is the main protagonist of the Rance series.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Rance is an adventurer and warrior who has saved the four nations of his otherwise unnamed home continent and JAPAN from being conquered by the Dark Lords. While this might make him appear like a hero, it is a sad truth that all these achievements generally amount to little more than side effects to Rance's actual quest: Fucking as many women as humanly possible. That said women consent to this is neither guaranteed, nor, as far as Rance is concerned, required.

For all of his flaws (and by god, they are numerous), Rance still has some limited redeeming qualities. He categorically refuses to have sex with underage girls (which doesn't mean he didn't do it once while drunk, but he strongly regretted it afterwards), greatly looks down on the act of hurting or killing women (safe for any injuries they might sustain while he is raping them), and while he normally is outright abusive to his personal slave Sill, he will severely flip his shit if anyone but him lays a hand on her. He ironically also is a gentle and caring father for his sole daughter, regardless of the circumstances through which she was produced.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Season 1[edit | edit source]

Rance may or may not have debuted in 8chanmania XIII. Putting him up against the well-equipped Haydee was a disaster waiting to happen, and once he was done making Chris Jericho hear the trumpets, he went on to turn Mecha Hitler into scrap. Rance would come to find his master in Lemeza Kusogi, but following certain controversies about the latter potentially being an overpowered munchkin edit, he was one of the fighters chosen for two subsequent battle royals. The rapist failed in both, with the belt going to Yellow Devil instead.

He also fought in 8chanmania XV, but nothing except him being present in the ring is known.

Rance acted as the organizer for the first porn-themed 8chanmania XXX, with each losing fighter being sent to "the back" (i.e., his personal harem). The latter was put to great risk when the Fat Bald Bastard tried to claim it as his own, but rest assured, Rance is not one to get cucked by an obese man in his fifties. Whether that outcome actually improved the situation of the participating women remains debatable.

During 8chanmania XXXII, he defeated and presumably had his way with Kyu, but this being Kyu, the chances or her having to be taken by force are not entirely stellar. Any other potential beddings Rance might have begotten were cut short when he was defeated by the TF2 Engineer in the next round.

8chanmania x MFW[edit | edit source]

Rance was one of the fighters nominated to represent /v/ during 8chanmania x MFW - IN/V/ASION. He defeated /monster/'s Shamu Meru (again, with the usual implications), only to tap out against Proto Man in the subsquent round. He's just not any good against males.

8chanmania:Season 3[edit | edit source]

Absent for the entire duration of the second season, Rance finally returned in 8chanmania LXXXII. His anger over the fact that he only learned Maria Renard was underage after defeating her fueled him for the entire rest of the tournament, and saw him besting Clockwerk, Fargus, and even the recently resurrected Knuckles. His chance to win a belt only was put to a halt by a Kong with a bigger dong.

For 8chanmania LXXXVII, Rance teamed up with his fellow pervert Stork. They busted the headstrong team of Lala and Celty Sturluson after Rance gave Celty a crit, wiped the floor with Lo Wang and his shinobi partner Joe Musashi, and ultimately got their ears rocked off by the 80s Noise Marine and the Goff Rokka. Luckily for Rance, the attempts of the Noise Marine to confiscate his "demon weapon" were cut short by the severely impatient Ork.

Gallery[edit | edit source]