Randy Stair

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Randy Stair
Randy Stair Image.png
Andrew Blaze
Birthday Unknown
From Pennsylvania, USA
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match
Randy Stair W
8chanmania XV
First Victory
First Championship


Randy Stair also known as Tranny Phantom was a retarded faggot who decided to murder 3 people for his cartoon waifu.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Stair was a troubled young man (who also identified as a woman) that idolized Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold while furiously masturbating to Ember from Nickolodeon's Danny Phantom. Long story short, he was that weird kid whose school essays invariably (and implausibly) ended in death, and who was suicidal by the time he reached high school.

Stair's unfortunate claim to fame was the 2017 Weis Market mass shooting, in which he used two pistol-grip automatic shotguns to murder three of his four workmates before offing himself by stuffing the gun in his mouth and pulling the trigger.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Stair only appeared in 8chanmania XV, and nothing beyond him not winning a belt there is known.