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Sauron Image.png
Lord of the Rings
Birthday '
From Angband, later Mordor
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match
Sauron W
Illidan Stormrage
8chanmania XXXVII
First Victory
Sauron W
Illidan Stormrage
8chanmania XXXVII
First Championship


Sauron is a major character from the Lord of the Rings setting.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Once upon a time, a very young world was still inhabited by the god-like Valar, and their marginally less powerful servants in the form of the Maiar. One such Valar was Aulë the Smith, who in turn had his faithful apprentice named Mairon. Now, Mairon was pretty good at his job, but unfortunately suffered from crippling OCD - as far as he was concerned, everything had to be perfect, and if it wasn't, he would make it so.

Making it so, however, required a good deal of power. Mairon thus did the reasonable thing by allying with Morgoth, who just happened to be the local equivalent of Lucifer from Milton's Paradise Lost.

Underneath Morgoth's corrupting influence, Mairon changed his name to 'Sauron'; while his compulsion to have everything neat and proper grew into a compulsion to enslave and dominate everything that possessed so much as a functioning heartbeat. Alas, his attempt to force the world into his own brand of order invariably backfired on him, and he ultimately was destroyed for good by some hairy-footed midget.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Sauron debuted in 8chanmania XXXVII. The Dark Lord found it reasonably simple to do away with Illidan Stormrage (if only after delivering one of the most savage burns of the mania against him), and likewise fared well against Jean-Pierre Polnareff, but ultimately was ousted by Lana Skye.

For 8chanmania LXV, Sauron teamed up with Dr. Robotnik. It might have been a poor match; considering the two didn't make it beyond their first match against Charles Barkley and The Cheetahmen.