Selena Agna

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Selena Agna
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Debut Match
Selena Agna
Sister Repentia
8chanmania XXXI
First Victory
Selena Agna
Sister Repentia
8chanmania XXXI
First Championship


"We cannot afford mercy!"
— Selena Agna

Selena Agna is the leader of the Sisters of Battle in Dawn of War: Soulstorm.

Bio[edit | edit source]

A canoness of the Order of the Sacred Rose, Agna and her nuns with guns arrived in the Kaurava system after the sudden appearance of a warp storm near Kaurava IV. Their worst suspicious were soon confirmed - Kaurava IV itself had been warped beyond recognition by the forces of Chaos, and nearly half of the system's local Imperial Guard forces had either been killed by or fallen to the Ruinous Powers. Worse still, multiple Xenos factions had invaded the system in the apparent hopes of claiming it as their own.

The sheer amount of corruption and heresy was so extensive that the cannoness deduced even her own allies - the remaining Kauravan Conservators under General Vance Stubbs and the freshly-arrived Blood Ravens Space Marines under Captain Indrick Boreale - could impossibly have avoided the vile taint. She hence set out to purge the entire system with sword and fire. And miserably failed, as the Kaurava campaign was canonically overrun by the Orkz of Gorgutz 'Ead Hunter.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Selana's sole recorded appearance was in 8chanmania X, where she fittingly teamed up with a Sister Repentia. Their burning fervor evaporated the big waves made by Rimanah and Mentor, yet it remains unknown how they fared in their next match against Ren and Squilliam Fancyson.