Senator Armstrong

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Senator Armstrong
Senator Armstrong Image.png
Birthday '
From Texas, United States of America
Height 6'6" (200cm)
Weight '

Debut Match

8chanmania I
First Victory

8chanmania I
First Championship
8chanmania I

"In my new America, people will die and kill for what they BELIEVE! Not for money. Not for oil! Not for what they're told is right. Every man will be free to fight his own wars!"
— Senator Steven Armstrong

Senator Armstrong is the main antagonist of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

Bio[edit | edit source]

Senator Steven Armstrong is an American politician (representing the state of Colorado), businessman, and part-time wrestler. Born and raised somewhere in Texas, Armstrong played college football at the University of Texas and might have made a career out of it, but instead joined the United States Navy out of a desire to serve his country. He later moved to Colorado, where he successfully ran for the position of State Senator. He was noted for his libertarian policies, notably leading to the privatization of Colorado's Police force under the Private Military Company (PMC) World Marshal Inc.

Increasing his already respectable physical strength via the use of nanomachines as early as 2016. Armstrong eventually got involved with Desperado Enforcement LLC, and is implied to have used the mercenary company in various false-flag attacks in order to restart the War on Terror as a means to get him elected as the president of the United States. Despite initial successes, the plan eventually backfired when Armstrong's affiliation with the group came to the interest of Maverick Security Inc. operative Raiden, who ended up ripping his heart out despite of initially receiving a bad beating by the senator.

8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Senator Armstrong was the winner of the mysterious first 8chanmania, although the lack of surviving records means that the exact circumstances currently are unknown. During the grand finale, he starred in the first match of the evening against Brendan Fraser, and unceremoniously got his JUST deserts by the actor.

After a long hiatus, Armstrong resurfaced during 8chanmania LI. His nano-machines proved stronger than the Honk of Clown, and he likewise ended the casting process for the new movie of VJ Emmie, but all of his red-blooded American strength was no match for the fiery Italian temper of Rita Ciano.

Having already acted as the manager of his niece Abby Anderson beforehand, it came as no big surprise that Armstrong would team up with her for 8chanmania XCVIII. Their nanomachine-enhanced bodies quickly proved to be proverbial wrecking balls, as made evident by their first victory against Chris Redfield and Leon Kennedy. Their next match against the 80s Noise Marine and the Goff Rokka came to a grinding halt when Abby nonchalantly landed a crit on the traitor Astartes, and despite widespread expectations to the contrary, the combo of Hank Hill and Bobby Hill (more specifically, Bobby's ballbusting attacks) seemed wildly ineffective against both Armstrong and Abby. Their defeat only came about when they were forced to fight Gintoki Sakata and Dunpan in the semi-finals.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Senator Armstrong is a real American. Fights for the rights of every man (to kill each other).
  • Despite having served in the US Navy, Armstrong never saw any actual combat action.
  • Armstrong is exceedingly fond of cigars.
  • Fraser suggested Armstrong's strong body and use of nanomachines came from a previous use of steroids. This claim can not be verified.

Gallery[edit | edit source]